Let's Set Up Your First Callflow
Define the actions that you want to have happen for when you receive an inbound call from your Profit Dial phone number.
As you set up your callflow, think about whether the actions will be automated in REI BlackBook or will be completed by you or your team members.
If a step in your callflow will be completed by someone on your team, identify who will be responsible for completing that action.
Tip: If you have more than one Profit Dial phone number and calls from those phone numbers are being forwarded to your personal cell phone, add those Profit Dial phone numbers in your cell phone contacts, so you can distinguish your different Profit Dial phone numbers.
In this support article, we show you step-by-step how to set up a callflow. The callflow will include tagging inbound callers, sourcing inbound callers, forwarding the calls, assigning a task based on those calls and adding a voicemail. You also will learn how to assign a callflow to your Profit Dial phone number.
In this video tutorial, Josh first discusses the importance of having multiple Profit Dial phone numbers and having them associated to your different marketing methods.
Then, he shows you step-by-step how to set up a callflow based on a specific example.
In this example, let's say you are marketing to a list of probate leads via direct mail and you want those inbound calls forwarded to you, your team member or a call answering service. Then, you want someone on your team be notified when a lead comes in and to have someone to follow up with that lead.
Watch this video for step-by-step instructions.
Don't have time to watch the full video? Follow our steps with screenshots below.
These steps are based on the example in the above video.
1. Log in to your account. Click on Marketing located at the top of your dashboard menu. In the drop-down menu, click on Callflows under Automation.
2. You will be directed to your callflow page. Click on Add New Callflow located in the right-hand corner.
3. You will be directed to your callflow builder. Click on the box next to Name and type in a name for the callflow. Example: Probate Leads via Direct Mail
4. Next, click on Tagging.
For every probate lead who calls in, they will have this certain tag, which can help sort the different leads you may have in your business. Example: Probate Lead
Under Apply Tags, click on the box and type in a tag that you want to assign for this callflow. If the tag you want has not already been created, click on + Create.
5. Next, click on Source.
For every probate lead who calls in, they will have this certain source, which can help identify where you probate lead came from, and this case from a direct mail campaign. Example: Direct Mail
Under Set Source, click on the box and select a source that you want to use for your callflow.
If you do not have sources already created, you will have to go to your sources page and create them. Unlike tagging, you cannot create a source in the callflow builder.
6. Next, click on task.
For every probate lead who calls in, this task will be assigned.
Click on the boxes to fill out the task details. You can assign the task to yourself or team member, attribute what kind of task this is, set the priority level and set a due date.
7. Next, click on Forwarding.
Forward calls from your Profit Dial phone number to a call answering service, to your personal cell phone or to your team members.
Under Destination Number, click on the box and type in the forwarding phone number. Then, select what you want the Call ID to say when that call is forwarded by clicking on the circle next to the option.
Then, click on the box under How long to wait and select how long a caller's ring will last.
8. If the call is not answered, click on +Add Forward Branching and then click on Voicemail.
Under an Existing Recording, click on the box to select a voicemail recording that you have already created. If you need to record a voicemail, click on Manage Recordings.
If you want to type out a voicemail message inside the callflow builder, click on Read Message. Under Enter the text, type in a message for a computerized voice to say to a caller.
9. When you are finished with your callflow, scroll back up to the top and click on Save & Close. Once you do that, you will be directed to your callflow page.
10. Now, let's assign your new callflow to your Profit Dial phone number. From your callflow page, click on Numbers located on the left-hand side menu under Profit Dial.
11. You will be directed to your Profit Dial phone numbers page. For the phone number that you want to assign this callflow to, click on the three dots located on the right-hand side. In the drop-down menu, click on Edit Number.
13. A pop-up box will appear. Under Select an existing callflow, click on the box and choose the callflow that you just created. Then, click on Done.
Thank You!
We appreciate you taking the time to set up your first callflow!
If you have any questions or comments on any of the information above, please feel free to reach out to us at any time at support@reiblackbook.com.
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Click here to check out our callflow overview video.