What is the Multi Offer Generator (MOG)?
Do you want to make better offers & close more deals?
Structure offers for motivated sellers that get accepted at 3x-5x the industry average with REI BlackBook's Multi Offer Generator.
How it Works
- ADD A NEW DEAL. Add a new deal or choose an existing one from your property pipeline.
- CHOOSE YOUR FINANCING & ACQUISITION STRATEGIES. Choose multiple financing and acquisition strategies including: All cash, Amortized, Interest Only, Equal Payments, Subject To, and more...
- DETERMINE YOUR BEST EXIT STRATEGY. Run the numbers to see if you deal will work best as a wholesale, fix and flip, lease option or rental.
- GENERATE YOUR MULTI-OFFER LETTER. Display each offer with clear terms and let the seller decide which works best for them.
- SEND YOUR OFFER & TRACK YOUR RESPONSE RATE. Simply print your letter to mail to the seller or email the letter of intent directly to your seller.
How to Sign Up!
- For more information or to get started click here!
Thank You!
We appreciate you taking the time to learn about the Multi Offer Generator. If you would have additional questions, contact us at support@reiblackbook.com.