Let's Clone A Workflow
Creating an in-depth workflow for your prospects, leads and contacts can be time consuming.
However, if you need to recreate the same workflow, but perhaps don't have the time to sit down and start the process over again, you can simply clone your workflow with one click of your mouse.
There is a clone button in your workflow management system to duplicate your workflow.
In this support article, you will learn step-by-step how to clone your workflows.
1. Log in to your account. Then, click on Marketing at the top of your dashboard menu. In the drop-down menu click on Workflows.
2. You will be taken to your workflow management system. On the far right-hand side of one of your workflows, click on the clone icon.
3. You will be taken to your workflow builder. Your workflow's name will have the word COPY next to it.
4. Inside your workflow builder, you can customize your workflow. When you are finished, click on Save & Close.
5. After you hit Save & Close, you will be taken back to your workflow management system where you will see your cloned workflow.
Thank You!
We appreciate you taking the time to learn how to clone a workflow! For questions, contact us at support@reiblackbook.com.