Did Your Call Fail or Did Your Call Show Up as Potential Spam?
Have you ever experienced an issue when your making an outbound call to a Contact, and the phone call ends almost immediately or the caller ID displays Potential Spam?
There are a couple reasons that this may be happening but below are steps to set yourself up for success when using Profit Dial.
Possible Causes
- The carrier blocked the call due to the calling number (caller ID).
- The number may not be valid, or not in service. (Double-check the destination number.)
Possible Solutions
If you are sure that the number is valid. Then we would suggest registering the number with each of the carriers or their call analytics providers, it will let them know who you are and will allow them to also have their databases up-to-date.
Registration to the three mobile providers or call analytics providers will cover the following carrier networks:
- T-Mobile (via First Orion) - https://calltransparency.com/
- Verizon, Sprint & US Cellular (via TNS Call Guardian) - https://reportarobocall.com/trf/#
- ATT Wireless (via Hiya) - https://hiya.com/manageyourcallerid
Thank You!
For questions, contact us at support@reiblackbook.com.