Let's Search & Filter Calls In Your Inbox
In your business, you receive phone calls left and right. It can be difficult remembering who called you when or what a caller's voicemail said, off the top of your head.
With REI BlackBook, you can do a quick search to find previous phone calls and you can filter your searches to find exactly what you're looking for whether it is a voicemail, a call recording, or to simple see dates of when phone calls were made.
By using filters, you can search active or archived calls. You also can search for when phone calls occurred on a certain date.
Additionally, if you have more than one Profit Dial phone number, you can search by any or all of your Profit Dial phone numbers in order to find the right call that you are looking for.
If your Profit Dial phone number is an informational hotline, you can filter your searches by typing in your extension numbers.
Perhaps you know who you were talking to, so you can filter your search by typing in your contact's name.
Or if you know that a contact left a voicemail, you can filter your search by selecting that a contact left a voicemail. You can do the same with call recording.
Whatever it is that you are looking for in your calls inbox, you can find it!
In this support article, you will learn step-by-step how to search and filter calls in your inbox.
1. Log in to your account. Then, click on Marketing at the top of your dashboard menu. In the drop-down menu, click on Inbox under Profit Dial.
2. You will be directed to a new page. On the left-hand side, click on Calls.
3. You will be directed to your call management system. Your search and filter features are located the top right.
Quick Search
To Search your calls, click on the Search box and type in a phone number or name of a caller that you are looking for in your inbox.
Filtering Your Search
To filter your searches, click on the funnel icon next to the Search box.
Once you click on the funnel icon, a pop-up box will appear. At the top, next to Matches, click on the toggle to have it point to either to Any or All.
- Any: Your search will match Any of your calls.
- All: Your search will match all All of your calls.
Next to Display, click on the toggle and have it point to Archived or Active.
- Archived: Your search will display your calls that have been Archived.
- Active: Your search will display your calls that are Active.
Date Received
If you want to find a phone call that you had last Friday or a specific week, month or day, use Date Received.
To filter by a date of when you received a phone call, click on Date Received located on the left-hand side.
Under Date Received on the right-hand side, click on the box and choose either Range, Before, or On or After.
- Range: Includes calls that were made between a custom start date and custom end date.
- Before: Includes calls that were made before a specified date.
- On or After: Includes calls that were made on or after a specified date.
Click on the box below and select either This Month, This Week, Last Month, Today, Last 7 Days or Last 30 Days.
- This Month: Includes calls that were made during the current month.
- This Week: Includes calls that were made during the current week.
- Last Month: Includes calls that were made during the previous month.
- Today: Includes calls that were made Today.
- Last 7 Days: Includes calls that were made during the previous 7 days.
- Last 30 Days: Includes calls that were made during the previous 30 days.
If you select Before, or On or After, in the box below, you will be able to select a date by using a calendar.
Click on + Add Another to include another date.
To filter by a Profit Dial phone number, click on PD located on the left-hand side.
Under PD Number on the right-hand side, click on the box and select from Has Any, Is, Does Not Include Any, Contains Text, Not Contains Text, Is Empty or Is Not Empty.
- Has Any: If you more than one Profit Dial phone number, you can select multiple phone numbers by clicking on the box below. The call that you are looking for will fit in this filter if at least one of the selected options applies to it.
- Is: This option will allow you to select only one of your Profit Dial phone numbers.
- Does Not Include Any: If you select one or more of your Profit Dial phone numbers, then a call will fit in this filter if NONE of selected options applies to it.
- Contains Text: This option will allow you to type in a custom text value vs. selecting from your existing lists of phone numbers.
- A call will fit in this filter if it has a phone number applied to it that contains the text value you enter.
- If you have named your Profit Dial phone number, you can type in your name for that phone number.
- Not Contains Text: This option will allow you to type in a custom text value vs. selecting from your existing lists of phone numbers.
- A call will fit in this filter if it has NO text applied to the call that contains the text value you enter.
- Is Empty and Is Not Empty: These options do not apply.
Contact's name
To filter by a contact's name whether it is a first name, last name or any name, click on +Add New located on the left-hand side.
In the drop-down menu, select Contact First Name, Contact Last Name and/or Any Contact Name. With each option, you have the same choices to choose as if you were filtering through your contact records.
Extension Dialed
Filter by extensions dialed if you have an information hotline. Click on +Add New located on the left-hand side and in the drop-down menu, click on Extension Dialed.
Under Extension Dialed on the right-hand side, click on the box and select either Equals, Greater Than, Great Than Equal, Less Than and Less Than Equal.
In the box below, type in a number that corresponds to what you selected in the box above.
To filter a call by voicemail, click on +Add New located on the left-hand side and click on Has Voicemail.
Under Has Voicemail on the right-hand side, click on the box and select Yes if a voicemail was left, or No, if a voicemail was not left.
Call Recording
To filter by call recording, click on +Add New located on the left-hand side and click on Has Call Recording.
Under Has Call Recording on the right-hand side, click on the box and select Yes, if the call was recorded, or No, if the call was not recorded.
Reset, Apply, Save & Apply
When you are finished, click on Apply to apply your filtered search located on the bottom right.
To save your filtered search, click on Save & Apply. A box will appear, type in a name to save your filtered search.
To restart your filtered search over, click on Reset.
Saved Filtered Searches
To find your saved searches, click on the binoculars next to the funnel icon.
In drop-down box, type in the name of your saved filtered search.
Thank You!
We appreciate you taking the time to learn how to search and filter calls in your inbox! For questions, contact us at support@reiblackbook.com.