Let's Release A Forwarded Domain Name
Multiple domains can be forwarded to the same website.
If you no longer want a domain to be forward to a website, you can release the forward on the domain.
In this support article, you will learn step-by-step how to release a forwarded domain name.
1. Log in to your account. Click on on Web Tools located at the top of your dashboard menu. In the drop-down menu, click on Domains.
2. You will directed to your domain management system. Click on Forwarded located under forwarding next to your domain name that you want to release.
3. On the Forward To drop-down menu, select Do Not Forward.
4. Finally, click on Update Forward to save your changes.
Please note that any domain name changes will take about 48 hours to take effect.
Thank You!
We appreciate you taking the time to learn how to release a domain name! For questions, contact us at support@reiblackbook.com.