Let's Make Your Website Secure in REI BB
At REI BlackBook, we offer secured website hosting, https://, for all of your hosted domains.
Having a secure website is important because it means any data being pass between web servers and clients is concealed. If you have a non-secure website with a webform for prospects to fill out, their entered information can be stolen.
You can tell that a website is secure by seeing a lock next to the website address located at the top of your browser. You also can tell if a URL begins with https.
All newly purchased domains will automatically take advantage of secure hosting, while existing purchased domains and all imported domains require a few simple steps to do so.
In this support article, you will learn step-by-step how to secure your domain.
1. Log in to your account. Click on Web Tools located at the top of your dashboard menu. In the drop-down menu, click on Domains.
2. You will be directed to your domain manager. Next to your domain name, you will see a red triangle icon next to any domains that are not yet secure.

- Purchased Domains With Red Icon
- Simply need to click on the red triangle to start the process of securing your site.
- Please note, this process can take up to 24 hours.
- Imported Domains With Red Icon
Click on the red triangle and you will be to be taken to the Nameservers Details page.
To complete the Nameservers setup, you will need to replace your current Nameservers with those provided on this Nameservers Details page.
Note: Each domain has its own assigned nameservers, so it is very important that this page is visited to determine what those are.
- We no longer use the following nameservers:
Customize Your Nameservers
Below is an example of the steps to setup your custom nameservers. These directions may vary slightly for you based on your registrars.
- Log into 3rd party registrar (This example uses GoDaddy).
- Visit Account Settings > Domains.
- Select the desired domain.
- Edit Nameserver settings > Manage.
- Select Setup Type > Custom.
- Add the below nameservers to the Custom Nameserver list.
- (provided).ns.cloudflare.com
- (provided).ns.cloudflare.com
- Click Okay > Save.
For further assistance with assigning the above nameservers to a 3rd party DNS server, reach out to your existing Registrar for support.
Thank You!
We appreciate you taking the time to secure your website domain! For questions, contact us at support@reiblackbook.com.