Having photos on your website is an easy and effective way to add content to your website, and make the overall look of your website more appealing. The photos can be with customers, your business, a product you offer, etc. Follow the instructions below to add a photo to a page on your website.
You may also follow these Step by Step instructions below to add a photo to a page on your website.
- From your account's Dashboard, click on Webtools and select Websites.
- Click on the SiteBuilder button of the website that you want to edit.
- Navigate to the location on your website to where you want to add this module to. On the top menu bar click on EditPage.
- Click on the AddContent button.
- Select BasicModules then drag and drop the Photo module to the desired location on the page where you want to add the photo.
- This will open the PhotoSettings. Under the GeneralTab, the following can be customized:
- PhotoSource - select the photo's source from either MediaLibrary or URL
- Photo - if your source is Media Library, you can select a photo from your computer or from stock photos available. URL lets you type in the link to the photo.
- Crop - you have the option to set it to: Landscape, Panorama, Portrait, Circle, Square or None.
- Alignment - set the photo to Left, Center or Right
- Caption - you have the option to set the caption On Hover, Below the Photo or Never. Type in the caption on the space provided.
- Link - type in the URL if you want the photo to send leads to a different page.
- Once you're done customizing the Photo module, click on the Save button.
- Click on Done and PublishChanges.
You have now added a photo to your website. If you have any questions or comments on any of the instructions above, please feel free to reach out to us at any time at support@reiblackbook.com