Let's Add Market Specific Pages To Your Website
You may have a niche market area for your real estate business and you need to portray that on your website.
To attract prospects in your niche market is to have a specific page on your site dedicated to it, so that prospects can learn more.
How can you do that?
Well, you can create a menu button on your website and name it "Where We Buy" or "Market Area," and create a page detailing your information about your market and houses.
In this support article, you will learn step-by-step how to how to add market specific pages to your website.
We have created a short video to show you how to add market specific pages to your website.
Don't have time to watch the full video? Follow our step-by-step instructions below.
1. Log in to your account. Click on Web Tools located at the top of your dashboard menu. In the drop-down menu, click on Websites.
2. You will be directed to your website management system. Locate your website and click on Control Panel on the bottom left-hand side.
3. You will be directed to your website's control panel. Under Site Domain, click on the Manage Pages icon.
To access your homepage, scroll down and click on Home under Page Title.
4. You will be directed to your website's homepage. At the top left-hand corner of your screen, click on Edit Page.
5. Then, in the right-hand corner of your screen, click on Tools.
6. Next, a pop-up box will appear. Click on Save Template.
A pop-up box will appear. Click on the box next to Name and type in a name of your template.
Then, click on Save.
Another box will be appear stating your Template has been saved. Click on OK.
7. Next, click on Done located at top right-hand corner of your screen.
Then, a pop-up box will appear. Click on Publish Changes.
8. Head back to your site control panel. To do so, click on your REI BlackBook tab.
Then, scroll down and click on + Add New Page.
A pop-up box will appear. Under Page Title, click on the box and type in a name for your page.
When you are finished, click on Create.
9. Another box will appear. Select your layout template that you have created.
Then, another box will appear. Click on Replace Existing Layout.
10. Now, you can edit your page template.
After that, click on Done located in the upper right-hand corner of your screen.
Then, click on Publish Changes.
11. Now, you want to add this to your menu. Go back to your site control panel and click on the Edit Menu icon.
12. Scroll down and click on Links located on the left-hand side of your screen.
Click on the box next to URL and enter a pound sign. Then, click on the box below next to Link Text, type in WHERE WE BUY.
When you are finished, click on Add to Menu.
You will notice the page created on the right-hand side. You can drag your new page to the top.
13. Next, click on Pages and click on the box next to the page that you have previous created. A check mark will appear.
Then, click on Add to Menu. You will see the page appear on the right-hand side.
14. Next, drag your Sell page under WHERE WE BUY to make it a sub item.
Click on the arrow of your sub item located at the top right-hand corner of the box. In drop-down, you can edit the Navigation Label and the Title Attribute.
15. When you are finished, click on Save Menu.
Scroll to the bottom and checkmark Auto Add Pages by clicking on the box next to it.
Then, click on Save Menu.
16. Next, scroll up to the top of the page. Click on your site domain.
You will be taken to your website where you will see your new menu item and drop-down menu item. You can click on your drop-down menu item and it will take you to that page.
Thank You!
We appreciate you taking the time to learn how to search and filter your text messages! For questions, contact us at support@reiblackbook.com.