Property Comparables can help you get an accurate estimate of valuation using local comparable sales data. Property Comparables are also known as "Comps".
- From your account's Dashboard click on Deals and select Property Pipeline from the drop down menu.
- Select the property that you want to use comparables on by clicking on the property address.
- Click on the Comps tab to view the following information:
- Property address
- Public Data
- Estimated Data from Outside sources
- Different comparable sales around the selected property
- Scroll down the page to view the Sold Comps.
- Select the properties that match your current property to use for the comparable.
- Scroll back up to see Comp Averages.
*Note: If you're located in an area that has non-disclosure, where the data mentioned above are not available publicly, reach out to your Realtor. Once you get the list, you can manually add these by clicking on the Add Comps as shown below.
You have now looked at property comparables inside your REI BlackBook account. If you have any questions or concerns about the information above please reach out to us at