A Lead Sheet can give you an outline of what questions to ask a seller when inquiring about their property. Follow the instructions below to learn how to use the Lead Sheet within your Property Pipeline to get all the necessary information for your real estate deal.
- From your account's Dashboard click on Deals and select Property Pipeline from the drop down menu.
- Select the property that you want to update the information for by clicking on the property address.
- Click on the Lead Sheet tab. A Lead Sheet gives you an outline of the right questions to ask when contacting a seller.
- You can fill out the form, and it will be automatically save as you fill it out.
- You also have the option to customize your own lead sheet by clicking on the Start Customizing link or clicking on the pencil icon at the right hand side of the page.
- The following can be added to the Lead Sheet, drag and drop the item to the desired location.
- Contact Address
- Custom Contact Fields
- Text
- Multiline Text
- Dropdown
- Checkboxes
- Radio Buttons
- Yes/No
- State/Province
- Date
- Divider
- Once done, click on the Done Customizing button to save the changes.
You now know how to use the lead sheet in the property pipeline. If you have any questions or concerns about the information above please contact us at support@reiblackbook.com.