Please follow the steps below to add a property to your website.
1. From your Main Dashboard hover over the Deals tab and select Property Pipeline as shown in the image below.
2. Once on the Property Pipeline page select the property you want to add to your website. You will need to click on the address of the property. Please note if the property is not listed you will need to manually add the property to the property pipeline.
3. After you have clicked on the address for the property you want to add you will need to select the Marketing tab as shown below.
4. After clicking on the Marketing tab you need to scroll down some and click Publish underneath Featured Website Status as shown below. Please note the changes will be saved automatically, and an orange box will pop up at the bottom of the screen that says "Successfully updated."
You have now successfully added a property to your website. If you have any questions or comments on any of the instructions above, please feel free to reach out to us at any time at