Let's Add Bullets To Your Landing Page
Make your bullet points stand out by using icons.
Why use traditional, boring bullet points when you can choose from a variety of icons to spruce up your landing page?
Enhance your landing page with eye-catching icons.
In this support article, you will learn step-by-step how to add a bullets to your landing page.
We have created a short video to show you how to add a bullets to your landing page.
Don't have time to watch the full video? Follow our step-by-step instructions below.
1. Log in to your account. Click on Web Tools located at the top of your dashboard menu. In the drop-down menu, click on Landing Pages.
2. You will be directed to your landing page management system. Under Name, select your landing page.
3. Next, click on Edit Page located in upper left-hand corner.
4. Click on Add Content located in the upper right-hand corner.
5. On the right-hand side, click on Advanced Modules.
In the drop-down menu, drag and drop Icon onto the desired location.
6. On the Icon Settings, under General Tab click on Select Icon.
You will be directed to where you can select an icon you want to use.
7. Then, scroll down the text section and click on the box and type in your text.
When you are finished, click on Save located at the bottom.
8. Then, click on Done located at the top right-hand corner of the page.
9. Finally, click on Publish Changes.
Thank You!
We appreciate you taking the time to learn how to add a bullets to your landing page! If you have questions, please contact us at support@reiblackbook.com.